We do not color match.
We only print 4 color process (CMYK). If you use Spot or Pantone colors, please have them converted to process colors prior to file upload.
We use #2 grommets, which are approximately 3/8”. Grommets are placed every 2′ standard.
Turnaround time begins once your file is uploaded. If your file is placed on hold, the turnaround time will begin once you select ‘Run As Is’ or once a re-uploaded file is received. If an email design proof is requested, the turnaround time will begin once you approve the design proof. All the times are […]
While we offer competitive pricing, we have to account for production and labor costs for each job. There is $10 minimum charge per item sitewide.
An order can be canceled at any time prior to it entering into production. To cancel please log in to our website to view your order details and click cancel print job. If you do not see a button for cancellation, the job has gone into production and cannot be canceled.